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Explore our catalog of recipes and let our smart grocery list, optimize your shopping list.
recipe filtersWholemeal Pasta with Salmon
w / broccoli, mushrooms, peppers and garlic
Smoothie Verde
with pineapple, spinach and apple
Plant Based Quick & Easy Low Kcal Detox For 2 people Smoothies & Teas
Spaghetti Garlic & Oil
with dry tomato and fresh sauce
Grilled Steak with Chimichurri Sauce
with sweet potato chips
Mediterranean Meat For 2 people Family Friendly Favorites (Month)
Yogurt and Banana Cake
with peanut butter and cinnamon
Breakfast & Snacks For 2 people High Protein Family Friendly Dessert For 4 people
Salada de Manga Verde
with Grain Burger and Mushrooms
Spinach and Toasted Nuts Salad
with grated parmesan cheese
Smoothie, Cold Soup, Pancakes? … From Hulk
with apple, banana, spinach and almond cream
Breakfast & Snacks Quick & Easy Plant Based Family Friendly Paleo Diet For 4 people Smoothies & Teas
Meatballs Of Lentils
with basmati rice and tomato sauce
Family Friendly For 4 people Mediterranean Plant Based High Protein
Rice Noodles Yakisoba
with broccoli, courgette, carrot and peas
Oatmeal Delight
with blueberries, yogurt, walnuts, chia and cinnamon
Breakfast & Snacks Dessert Low Kcal Ovolactovegetarian Plant Based For 2 people For 4 people
Chocolate Mousse Cá de Casa
with eggs, brown sugar and almonds
Dessert Family Friendly For 4 people For 2 people Gluten Free
Asparagus Muffins and Fresh Mushrooms
with spinach, eggs and almond drink
Breakfast & Snacks Family Friendly For 2 people For 4 people Low Kcal Mediterranean Plant Based
Papaia Bowl
with kefir, blueberries, raspberries, walnuts and pumpkin seeds
For 2 people Quick & Easy Breakfast & Snacks Dessert Ovolactovegetarian Mediterranean Low Kcal For 2 people For 4 people
Sea soup
with hake, cod, shrimp, clams, tomatoes, coriander, curry and lime
Mediterranean For 4 people Paleo Diet Low Carb Diet Soups Fish Low Kcal Gluten Free
Sauteed Vegetables
with courgette, leek, mushrooms, pumpkin and coriander
Paleo Diet Plant Based Low Carb Diet Gluten Free For 4 people Low Kcal Low Carb Diet Quick & Easy Side Dish