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recipe filtersPumpkin Soup with Carrot and Orange
with fresh ginger and coriander
Family Friendly Mediterranean For 2 people Low Kcal Plant Based Soups For 4 people Favorites (Month)
Horse mackerel cream with curry
with peppers, courgette, carrots, potatoes and coriander
Family Friendly Fish Soups For 4 people For 2 people Mediterranean
Tofu Croquettes, Mushrooms and Leek
with avocado pear
Bavaroise of Red Fruits and Almond
with strawberries, blueberries and raspberries
Functional Sumo Rosa
with raspberries, beets and apple
Detox Plant Based For 1 person Quick & Easy Smoothies & Teas Favorites (Month)
Tuna Pastry Stuffed Vegetable Pie
with sweet potato and carrot
For 4 people Fish Family Friendly Paleo Diet Favorites (Month)
Cocoa Truffles
with oats, peanuts and chia
Low Kcal Breakfast & Snacks For 4 people Dessert Quick & Easy
Carrot and Orange Velvety
with chayote and chicken broth
Family Friendly For 4 people For 2 people Mediterranean Soups Low Kcal
Chia pudding with fruit
with strawberries, almond and lemon drink
Breakfast & Snacks For 2 people Low Carb Diet Paleo Diet Gluten Free Quick & Easy
Peanut Ice Cream
with banana and coconut milk
Dessert Family Friendly For 2 people For 4 people Quick & Easy
Delicious Low-Carb
with chicken breast, heart cabbage, curry and rosemary
For 2 people Meat Mediterranean Family Friendly Low Carb Diet
Pumpkin Grain Curry
with coconut milk, tomato paste, ginger and turmeric
For 2 people For 4 people Low Kcal Mediterranean Plant Based
Stuffed Apple
with peanut butter
Breakfast & Snacks Family Friendly For 2 people For 4 people Low Kcal Kid Snacks Quick & Easy
Low Carb Bread without Yeast
with eggs, buckwheat flour, almond flour, flaxseed and yeast.
Bread & Pastry Low Carb Diet Paleo Diet Family Friendly Low Kcal Breakfast & Snacks For 2 people For 4 people
Vegan stroganoff
with brown mushrooms, tofu, tomatoes, basil and basmati rice
Sea bass “à Lagareiro”
with roast potatoes, olive oil, garlic and parsley
Family Friendly Fish For 4 people For 2 people Mediterranean
Vegan Pancakes
with red fruits and cinnamon
Breakfast & Snacks Quick & Easy For 4 people Low Kcal Family Friendly
Broccoli Peas and Galician Cabbage
with spaghetti and saffron
Chestnut Cream and Fennel with Basil
with milk, anise stars and chicken broth
Christmas Family Friendly For 2 people For 4 people Mediterranean Soups Top Chef
Raspberries and Blueberries Ice Cream
with cashew cream and honey
Dessert Low Kcal Gluten Free For 2 people For 4 people Family Friendly
Cod Pie
with sweet potatoes, eggs, spinach, courgette, leek, parsley, coriander and coconut milk