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Powder Risotto
Powder Risotto

Powder Risotto

with saffron, island cheese, peppers and white wine

Do you like octopus, but are you afraid to do it at home and it will get rubbery? This recipe is infallible and the octopus will be deliciously soft!

60 min

711 kcal

4 doses



You will also need:

The following ingredients will not be added to your grocery list.

40 gr

to taste

to taste

Nutritional Information

Calories (kcal)

Energy (Kj)

/ Per Dose

711 kcal

2,974 Kj

Nutritional real facts per meal might have small variations from the website nutritional info.​

Preparation Instructions


Cook the octopus without salt (and thaw well, if necessary), in a pan with water until the thickest tentacles are tender.


Reserve the cooking broth and cut the octopus into pieces.


In a pan add the oil, the chopped large onion, the chopped garlic, the small pepper in brunesa (in small cubes), the bay leaf, the pepper and the saffron. Saute everything.


Add the rice and let it fry until translucent. Cool with white wine, until it evaporates.


Add the octopus broth gradually until the rice is covered and stir continuously. Repeat the operation until the rice is almost cooked.


Add the octopus, salt, butter and grated cheese and stir everything vigorously.


Add the chopped coriander, rectify the seasoning and serve immediately.