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Broccoli Peas and Galician Cabbage
Broccoli Peas and Galician Cabbage

Broccoli Peas and Galician Cabbage

with spaghetti and saffron

A recipe that includes two green vegetables, peas and broccoli. And why did they join? Because they are a great way to fill your plate with something healthy without difficulty. You will see this is what makes kids like green things.

30 min

231 kcal

2 doses



You will also need:

The following ingredients will not be added to your grocery list.

Nutritional Information

Calories (kcal)

Energy (Kj)

/ Per Dose

231 kcal

967 Kj

Nutritional real facts per meal might have small variations from the website nutritional info.​

Preparation Instructions

For Broccoli Peas and Galician Cabbage:


Heat the oven to 180 ° C.


Place the broccoli on a baking tray with 1 tablespoon and saffron coffee, black pepper and olive oil to taste for 20 min.


After this time, place the cabbage in farripas on the tray and leave a few more minutes to brown the cabbage.


In the meantime, heat the boiled peas in a pan of water to a boil.


Then drain the water, and put the peas in a bowl with olive oil and black pepper to taste, the half lemon juice (you can crush the peas a little if you prefer).


In the end mix it all up and it's ready to serve.

For mass:


Put boiling water in a pan along with a pinch of salt and olive oil. Let it cook for 10-15 min. When finished, accompany with peas and broccoli.

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