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Sweet rice
Sweet rice

Sweet rice

with egg, vegetable drink, coconut sugar, cinnamon and lemon

The time has come for socializing at the table, sharing love, traditional sweets. Whenever I remember Christmas as a family, I also remember the smell of cinnamon that fills both my soul and my heart.

35 min

210 kcal

8 doses



You will also need:

The following ingredients will not be added to your grocery list.

to taste

400 mL

Nutritional Information

Calories (kcal)

Energy (Kj)

/ Per Dose

210 kcal

877 Kj

Nutritional real facts per meal might have small variations from the website nutritional info.​

Preparation Instructions


Cook the rice with a pinch of salt and water over low heat.


After the cooked rice add the almond milk (or another vegetable or milk drink), the coconut sugar, the cinnamon, the 2 lemon peels, a cinnamon stick and take it to the fire again.


Undo the egg yolks with a fork in a bowl, stir and mix everything in the pan with the rice.


Bring it back to low heat and stir for about 1 min.


Remove from heat and distribute in bowls or on a platter.


After cold, sprinkle with cinnamon. It can also be served at room temperature, if you prefer.


It is ready to serve.

Note: this recipe makes 8 bowls of rice pudding. An individual dose is equivalent to 1 cup.


Pot meddium

Pot meddium

Paring knife

Paring knife

Bowl meddium

Bowl meddium

Stirring spoon

Stirring spoon

