Maria Inês Antunes
Plant Based Mediterranean
A Nutricionista Maria Inês Antunes iniciou a sua experiência profissional na Maternidade Alfredo da...

Mini Sweet Potato Symbiotic Pizzas
with cherry tomatoes, tomato pulp and basil
Low Kcal Family Friendly For 4 people Plant Based Mediterranean Breakfast & Snacks

Fish Stew with Yam
with grouper and fresh hake, tomato, pepper, leek and chilli

Cold Mackerel Feijoada
with white beans, cherry tomatoes, red pepper, thyme, parsley and honey

Autumn Salad with Cod
with corn, pumpkin, sweet potato, lemon and watercress

Tuna with Roasted Vegetables
with fresh tuna, pumpkin, cauliflower, green beans, orange and honey

Cocoa Truffles
with oats, peanuts and chia
Low Kcal Breakfast & Snacks For 4 people Dessert Quick & Easy

Papaia Bowl
with kefir, blueberries, raspberries, walnuts and pumpkin seeds
For 2 people Quick & Easy Breakfast & Snacks Dessert Ovolactovegetarian Mediterranean Low Kcal For 2 people For 4 people

Vegetable Muffins
with pasteurized egg whites, green beans and tomatoes
Low Kcal For 4 people Mediterranean Breakfast & Snacks Ovolactovegetarian Family Friendly

Sweet Quinoa
with egg, coconut milk, saffron, honey and cinnamon
For 2 people Mediterranean For 4 people Breakfast & Snacks Ovolactovegetarian Low Kcal

Curcuma Drink
with almond milk, cinnamon and ginger
For 2 people Quick & Easy Low Kcal For 4 people Breakfast & Snacks